CSGO 2020/07/09 Update更新日誌 misc修復 Mutiny地圖調整

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一般會員 (Lv.10)

– Fixed a performance regression during POV demo playback.

– Fixed domain names starting with a digit to be resolvable via DNS as part of “connect” command.
–作為“ connect”命令的一部分,固定域名以數字開頭,可以通過DNS進行解析。

– Added a server-side setting sv_closecaption to control whether captions can be displayed during gameplay, defaults to only displaying Co-op Strike Mission chat.

– Added main menu movies for Mutiny and Swamp.


-Added some areaportals to increase optimization at T to B Lower

-Adjusted fade distances on some props to increase performance

-Removed some unnecessary foliage props

-Increased height of cover at A Platform

-Removed lamp outside B Site obstructing angles

-Removed some foliage at CT to B to increase visibility

-Fixed boost spot in mid near A Connector

-Added a few boxes in corner at Dirt Road near CT Spawn

-Removed barrels and wood stack near CT Spawn for smoother movement

-Improved clipping in various locations

-Added clipping to the firestacks

-Removed inaccurate grenade clips at T to A Upper, A Site and the wall at the top of mid
-從T到A Upper,A Site和中部頂部的牆壁上移除了不正確的手榴彈夾

-Ship cannons now fire out to sea as a celebration when the bomb explodes (thanks ZooL!)

-Fixed the ability to see enemies on the radar through crates with tarps

-Fixed grenades and weapons dropped falling inside crates with tarps

-Fixed seagulls not dying when shot (but please do not shoot the seagulls)

-Added more detail to the house near Upper T to A

-Increased render distances of various props around Dock

-Fixed bomb stuck spots in mid

-Sewed displacements near A Site
-在A Site附近縫製的位移

-Sealed multiple walls in Lobby

-Removed some unpleasant moss at Stairway to Heaven

-Changed the palm tree at elevator

-Fixed numerous pixelwalks (thanks ALJN!)
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