CSGO 2020/07/27 Update更新日誌 2地圖改動

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一般會員 (Lv.10)

– Optimized platform shader files and sound configuration files to be packed inside compressed VPK files.

-Fixed various bird-related bugs

-Opened up corner at Dirt Road near CT Spawn

-Fixed bomb getting stuck on the small boat

-Improved FPS for low/medium shader

-Improved optimisation throughout the map

-Opened up T to B Upper ceiling to allow for grenade usage
-從T到B Upper開放使用手榴彈

-Fixed one way wallbang on B Site
-修復了在B炸點的way wallbang

-Fixed rendering issue at the top of B Site building

-Added fade distance to most small props

-Altered some deathmatch spawn positions

-Replaced rocks with flowers by the stairs at CT to A

-Removed foliage in various locations for improved visibility

-Fixed boost spot at elevator near A

-Fixed hidden bomb plant underneath stones on A Site
-在A Site的石頭下面固定了隱藏的炸彈工廠

-Fixed floating church pillars

-Fixed misaligned stone tiles in T Spawn

-Fixed misaligned textures on church

-Improved clipping at various places

-Improved grenade clipping at various places

-Updated Overview

Main changes:
– Performance boost in some areas (2-5%)

– Alligator and frog sounds are lower, less disturbing

– Made brighter background near fence on A-long (CT side)

– Made one of the red plywood covers smaller on A-long (T side)

– Made the A-short room brighter and also made it easier for T to peek angles on entrance

– Closed gap in CT-spawn where players could boost and peek A-long
–縮小了CT生成中的差距,玩家可以提升並偷看 A-long

– Added wood cover under CW so players can’t peek straight down to A-short entrance (T side)

– Removed a pallet where a player could jump and get stuck

– Improved balance around bombsite

– Added clipping on crane

– Added clipping on streetlight

– Added plywood cover on bombsite

– Removed some of the railing around bombsite for easier movement

– Added electrical box, fence and plywood close to B-entrance for less hiding spots

– Added plywood in corner close to B-entrance for less hiding spots

– Added fence and plywood in water around sniper spot on B-long for easier readability (CT side)
–在 B-long的狙擊點周圍的水中添加了柵欄和膠合板,以便於觀察(CT側)
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