CSGO 2019/08/14 Update 更新日誌 2019柏林賽事 MISC項目調整

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歡迎光臨~客官打哪來的呢 ? 也是熱愛設計的朋友嗎 ? 那就快來加入我們吧 σ ゚∀ ゚) ゚∀゚)σ
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一般會員 (Lv.10)

[ BERLIN 2019 ]
– The “Berlin 2019 Viewer Pass” and the “Berlin Viewer Pass + 3 Souvenir Tokens” are now available for purchase. 50% of the proceeds go to the players and organizations taking part in the StarLadder Berlin Major.
- 現在可以購買“柏林2019觀眾通行證”和“柏林觀眾通行證+ 3個紀念品代幣”。 50%的收益將捐贈給參加StarLadder Berlin Major的球員和組織。

– With a Viewer Pass, you’ll get:
- 使用Viewer Pass,您將獲得:

— An upgradable Berlin 2019 Event Coin.
- 可升級的柏林2019年賽事硬幣。
— Access to the Berlin Pick’Em Challenge.
- 參加柏林Pick'Em挑戰賽。
— Unlimited team graffiti for the duration of the event.
- 活動期間無限制的團隊噴漆。
— Steam.tv team flair.
- Steam.tv團隊收看。
— Access to Berlin 2019 Souvenir Packages.
- 使用柏林2019年紀念品。
— All-new Viewer Pass Missions.
- 全新的Viewer Pass Mission。
— Ability to purchase additional Souvenir Tokens.
- 能夠購買額外的紀念品代幣。
– Team and player autograph stickers are available for purchase.
- 可以購買團隊和選手簽名貼紙。

[ MISC ]
– Improved calculation of client packets processing time to account for dedicated server systems where clock can jump backwards.
- 改進客戶端數據包處理時間的計算,以考慮時鐘可以向後跳轉的專用服務器系統。

– Optimized client-side processing when kills are scored with StatTrak weapons.
- 使用StatTrak武器對殺戮進行評分時優化客戶端處理。

[ MAPS ]
– Breach has been updated to the latest Workshop version.
- Breach已更新至最新的Workshop版本。
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