CSGO 2019/04/02 Update 更新日誌 3地圖調整 MISC項目修復

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一般會員 (Lv.10)

-Fixed line of sight traces for weapon pickup rules to ignore debris.
- 固定的視線軌跡,用於武器拾取規則以忽略碎片。

-Fixed several HUD elements to respect cl_drawhud and cl_draw_only_deathnotices settings.
- 修復了幾個HUD元素以尊重cl_drawhud和cl_draw_only_deathnotices設置。

-Replaced red fence section at top of A ramp (Thanks SPUNJ!)
- 更換斜坡頂部的紅色柵欄部分(謝謝SPUNJ!)

-Fixed pixel gaps on bombsite boxes
- 炸彈箱上的固定像素間隙

-Raised floor of B stairs pit by 64 units

-Reduced wallbang damage from CT elevator room towards T entrance to mid
- 從CT電梯室向T入口到中部的減少的wallbang損壞

-Increased height of crane concrete base on A site
- A炸點起重機混凝土基礎高度增加

-Improved visibility from B site towards T stairs
- 改善了從B炸點到T樓的能見度

-Added cover on right side when exiting stairs to B/exiting window
- 當離開樓梯到B /退出窗口時,在右側增加了蓋子

-Fixed pixel gap from T spawn towards B catwalk
- 從T出生點到B catwalk 的固定像素間隙

-Fixed slight gaps between tarp sections on scaffolding
- 修復腳手架上的防水布部分之間固定的微小間隙

-Fixed unintended boost on scaffolding at A ramp
- A斜坡上腳手架的固定意外增強

-Blocked weapons from being dropped underneath A ramp
- 阻止武器從A斜坡下面掉下來

-Blocked weapons from being dropped underneath A site crane
- 阻止武器從A炸點起重機下面掉落

-Blocked players from going on the outside of ibeams in T spawn
- 阻止玩家在T出生點的ibeams外面走

-Simplified collision on top of scaffolding models
- 腳手架模型頂部的簡化碰撞

-Fixed various clipping bugs (thanks bonna97!)
- 修復各種剪輯錯誤(感謝bonna97!)

-Fixed C4 stuck spot outside near silo

-Removed gate model on B bombsite
- B炸彈上的移動門模型

-Added fence on B long once again
- 再次在B上添加圍欄

-Removed wheelbarrow on B long
- 移動B Long的獨輪車

-Opened up a skybox to B bombsite allowing grenades being thrown from upper CT spawn as well as middle
- 打開一個skybox到B炸點,允許從上部CT產生以及中間拋出手榴彈

-Rotated crates on B bombsite
- B炸彈上的旋轉板條箱

-Moved big crate on B bombsite
- 在B炸彈點上移動大箱子

-Added tree for cover on B long
- B長的封面增加樹

-Extended wooden building on B
- B上的擴建木結構建築

-Improved clipping
- 改善剪裁

-Updated radar image
- 更新的雷達圖像

-Replaced tarp with a model
- 用模型替換篷布
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