CSGO 2019/03/28 Update 更新日誌 競技地圖改動 新物品上線 Vertigo調整 MISC項目調整

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一般會員 (Lv.10)

– A new music kit EZ4ENCE by The Verkkars is now available for purchase.
- 現在可以購買The Verkkars的新音樂套件EZ4ENCE。

– A new Feral Predators Sticker Capsule is now available for purchase.
- 現在可以購買新的野性掠食者貼紙膠囊。

– Vertigo has been moved from Reserves Group into the Active Duty Group.
- Vertigo已從後備地圖組轉移到現役地圖組。

– Cache has been moved from Active Duty Group into Reserves Group.
- Cache已從現役地圖組轉移到後備地圖組。

-Added new cover in bottom of mid, that doubles as a ramp towards “window” to B site
- 在中間底部增加了新的封面,可以作為向B炸點“窗口”的斜坡

-Pushed up CT spawns slightly
- 移動CT出生點

-Prioritized spawn positions, CTs will be biased towards forward spawns, Ts biased towards rear spawns
- 優先出生點位置,CT將偏向向前出生,Ts偏向後方出生

-Added corner railing to catwalk on B site
- 在B炸點上添加角落欄杆到T型台

-Blocked two-man boost on top of spools in CT spawn
- 在CT出生點線軸上方的兩個人加強阻力

-Blocked angle over wall when going down stairs from B site towards T spawn
- 當從B炸點向T spawn下樓梯時,牆上的阻擋角度

-Tweaked T stairs up to bombsite B
-Tweaked T樓梯到炸彈B

-Tweaked layout of T spawn slightly

-Updated bombsite target models on sites
- 炸點上更新的炸彈目標模型

-Elevator shaft injuries now count towards the injury statistic
- 電梯軸損傷現在計入傷害統計數據

-Fixed various clipping issues
- 修復各種剪輯問題

– Grenades will no longer go through closed doors in certain rare circumstances.
- 在某些罕見的情況下,手榴彈不再關閉。

– Players can no longer pick up weapons through walls or without direct line-of-sight.
- 玩家不能再通過牆壁或沒有直接的視線來拾取武器。

– Fixed certain textures sometimes not rendering when running with -d3d9ex launch option.
- 修復了使用-d3d9ex啟動選項運行時有時無法渲染的某些紋理。

– Fixed an issue causing certain areas to not render correctly when spectating a player with zoom-in activated.
- 修正了在觀看已啟動放大的玩家時導致某些區域無法正確渲染的問題。

– Fixed items removed from user’s inventory sometimes showing up in loadout and buy menu incorrectly.
- 修復了從用戶庫存中刪除的項目,有時會錯誤地顯示在裝載和購買菜單中。

– Fixed player disconnect messages to have neutral names when communication preference is set to sanitize player names.
- 修正了當通信首選項設置為清理玩家姓名時,播放器斷開消息以具有中性名稱。

– Added “consecutive_round_losses” value for each team to Game State Integration output.
- 為Game Group Integration輸出添加了每個團隊的“consecutive_round_losses”值。
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