CSGO 2019/02/25 Update 危險區新增/修復功能 Abbey Biome Zoo地圖調整 卡托維茲2019特價解說

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[ KATOWICE 2019 ]
– For a limited time Katowice 2019 Viewer Pass is available at 50% off.
- 在限定時間內,Katowice 2019 Viewer Pass可享受50%的折扣。

– Two days remaining to make all your Champions Stage Pick’Em predictions including grand final winner and get your gold coin.
- 剩下兩天讓你所有的冠軍階段Pick'Em預測包括最終的冠軍並準確預測,並獲得金幣。

– Fixed souvenir redemption button showing up for ‘Downloaded’ matches in the Watch tab. Souvenirs can be redeemed from the ‘2019 IEM Katowice’ Matches tab
- 修正了“觀看”選項卡中“已下載”匹配的紀念品兌換按鈕。紀念品可以從'2019年IEM卡托維茲'比賽標籤中兌換。

– Added “auto-fill squad” option for Danger Zone games and made all games to have squads of two players. Deselecting the “auto-fill squad” option allows players to play solo for additional challenge.
- 為危險區域遊戲添加了“自動填充小隊”選項,並讓所有遊戲都有兩個玩家的小隊。取消選擇“自動填充小隊”選項允許玩家單獨進行額外挑戰。

– Spectators can press alt+number to select spectator targets with numbers greater than 10.
- 觀眾可以按alt +數字來選擇數字大於10的觀眾目標。

– Squads now show their number and color on the overview map for spectators.
- 小隊現在在觀眾的概覽地圖上顯示他們的數量和顏色。

– Number keys now select Danger Zone squads and not individual players.
- 數字鍵現在選擇危險區域小隊而不是單個玩家。

– Spectators can cycle squad members by pressing the same squad number key or “minus” key (this feature is toggled with sv_dz_spec_group_teams).
- 觀眾可以通過按相同的小隊數字鍵或“減號”鍵來循環小隊成員(此功能通過sv_dz_spec_group_teams切換)。

– Next and previous spectator commands will now group players in Danger Zone squads consecutively.
- 下一個和之前的觀眾命令現在將連續分組危險區域小組中的玩家。

-Players on a Danger Zone squad show their spectator panel colored to their squad color.
- 危險區隊伍的玩家們將他們的觀眾面板顯示為他們的隊伍顏色。

– Updated the Danger Zone squad colors to work better overall with the overview image and make them easier to see.
- 更新了危險區小隊的顏色,使整體圖像更加清晰,並使其更易於查看。

– Player eye lines in spectating and other elements are now colored to match their Danger Zone squad color
- 觀眾和其他元素的玩家眼線現在被著色以匹配他們的危險區小隊顏色。

– Fixed spectator cameras selecting cameras that were over 2000 units away from the target.
- 修正了觀眾視角選擇距離目標超過2000個單位的距離。

[ MAPS ]
– Fixed floating flower
- 修正浮花

– Fixed drawing distance on few props in middle area
- 修正了中間區域幾個道具的繪製距離

– Changed texture in the underpass for better visibility of CT models
- 改變地下通道中的紋理,以便更好地了解CT模型

– Added clipping on the ramps to prevent weapons being dropped there
- 在坡道上增加了剪裁,以防止武器掉落在那裡

– Added smooth clips
- 添加了平滑的剪輯

– Removed pixel angle on B ramp from Ivy
- 從Ivy移除B坡道上的像素角度

– Fixed z – fighting in the house on B bombsite
- 修正了在B炸彈點旁的z -房子間打鬥

– Fixed collision on crate model
- 修復了箱子模型上的碰撞

– Added painting
- 添加了繪畫

– Renovated library
- 裝修過的圖書館

– Fixed some models not being rendered in water reflection
- 修正了一些不用水反射渲染的模型

-Can now jump on crates at A
- 現在可以跳到A的板條箱上

-Improved visuals on high settings
- 在高設置下改進了視覺效果

-Reduced bombsite explosion radius
- 減少炸彈爆炸半徑

– Visual improvements
- 視覺改進

– Fixed several bomb stuck spots
- 修正了幾個炸彈卡住點

– Swapped swat vans for generic vans
- 用於通用貨車的交換式特警車

– Removed an invisible brush blocking grenades at Aquarium T side double doors
- 在水族館T側雙門上移除了一個隱形刷子擋住手榴彈

– Improved movement through hole in rocks at the back of Seals balcony
- 通過密封陽台背面的岩石中的洞進行改進

– Rotated Seals infoboard at mid
- 中間旋轉密封件infoboard

– Disabled collisions on ceiling beams at mid
- 在中間的天花板橫樑上禁用碰撞

– Removed hiding spot below Lemur treehouse
- 移除了狐猴樹屋下面的隱藏點
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