CSGO 2019/02/11.12.15更新日誌 卡托維茲2019 煙霧彈BUG修復 MISC項目修復

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一般會員 (Lv.10)

[ Katowice 2019 ]
-Fixed Pick’Em management WebAPIs to provide a list of ItemIDs that can be used when uploading user predictions.
- 修復固定的Pick'Em管理WebAPI,提供可在上傳用戶預測時使用的ItemID列表。

-Fixed GOTV+ playcast sometimes getting stuck on a loading screen when retrying dropped fragments or exceeding download bandwidth.
- 當重試丟棄的片段或超出下載帶寬時,固定的GOTV +播放有時會卡在加載屏幕上。

-Several fixes for intermittent UI problems when managing Katowice 2019 Pick’Em predictions.
- 在管理Katowice 2019 Pick'Em預測時,針對間歇性UI問題的幾個修復。

-Fixed some javascript exceptions.
- 修正了一些javascript異常。

-Fixed Pick’Em refresh state getting stuck on loading.
- 固定的Pick'Em刷新狀態在加載時卡住。

2019.02.12 -
– Fixed the ‘radar spotting enemies through smoke’ mechanic to behave the same regardless of the game server tickrate, and to not reveal enemies on the opposite side of the smoke until the smoke effect dissipates.
- 修正了“雷達通過煙霧探測敵人”機制,無論遊戲服務器的滴答如何,都能表現出相同的行為,並且在煙霧效果消失之前不會洩露煙霧對面的敵人。

– Increased size of rendering queues for OSX and Linux game clients to address crashes when playing Danger Zone.
- 增加OSX和Linux遊戲客戶端渲染隊列的大小,以解決遊玩危險區時的崩潰問題。

– Smokes that visibly fade off the ground now allow fire to spread under them without getting extinguished.
- 煙霧彈明顯地從地面褪色現在允許火勢蔓延到它們下面而不會熄滅。

– Fixed a rare occurrence of the C4 viewmodel sometimes being wrapped in last year’s holiday wrapping paper.
- 修正了有時被包裹在去年假日包裝紙中的C4視圖模型的罕見情況。

– Added support for displaying correct picks for Katowice 2019 Major Championship after the Challengers Stage is finished.
- 在挑戰賽階段結束後,增加了對卡托維茲2019年主要錦標賽正確選秀權的支持。
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