CSGO 2019/01/31 Update 更新日誌 Zoo Abbey Vertigo 3地圖改動

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[ MAPS ]
– Zoo and Abbey are now available in Competitive matchmaking.
- 動物園和修道院現在可用於官方競技模式。

– Visual updates overall to match present standards
- 整體視覺更新,以符合現有標準

– Replaced SWAT with FBI
- 用FBI代替SWAT (FBI:開門!查水表!!)

– Reduced the amount of corners/spots at B site
- 減少B站點的角落/斑點數量

– Removed glow effects from wall mounted fixtures to prevent smoke exploits
- 從壁掛式燈具中移除了發光效果,以防止冒煙

– Replaced foliage at interior lower mid to improve sightlines
- 更換內部中下部的樹葉以改善視線

– Raised ceiling in connector between T spawn and A mid
- 在T spawn和A mid之間的連結上升高的天花板

– Moved swinging tire out of the way of sightlines
- 將擺動輪胎移開視線

– Increased infographics’ resolution
- 提高信息圖表的分辨率

– Removed dead guy at T spawn
- 在T spawn移除了死人 ???

– Disabled collision on some foliage
- 在一些樹葉上禁用碰撞

– Fixed minor visual glitches
- 修正了輕微的視覺故障

– Opened mid skybox allowing T’s to throw grenades from river area
- 打開中間天空盒,讓T從河區投擲手榴彈

– Opened mid skybox allowing players to throw grenades from A bombsites
- 打開中間天空盒,允許玩家從A炸彈投擲手榴彈

– Opened A skybox allowing T’s to throw grenades from right alley
- 打開一個天空盒,允許T從右邊的小巷投擲手榴彈

– Replaced window model with wider one in library (T’s side of middle)
- 更換了庫中較寬的窗口模型(中間的T側)

– Added block bullets brushes in some places to prevent full penetration
- 在某些地方添加了塊子彈,以防止完全穿透

– Optimization
- 優化

– Removed bomb stuck spots
- 移除了炸彈卡住的斑點

– Enabled collision on window models
- 在窗口模型上啟用碰撞

– Reduced size of clip brushes in some places
- 在某些地方減小了夾子刷的尺寸

– Added missing overlays
- 添加了缺失的疊加層

– Fixed various clipping issues
- 修正了各種剪輯問題

– Added new 3d skybox
- 添加了新的3D天空盒

– Removed tiny mountain
- 刪除了小山

– Added some color to the map
- 為地圖添加了一些顏色

– Added building on mid
- 在中間增加了建築物

-Made door into B site from CT side twice as wide
- 從CT側進入B站點的門寬兩倍

-Improved collision model of large HVAC units
- 改進了大型暖通空調機組的碰撞模型

-Blocked visibility under HVAC units
- HVAC裝置下的可見性

-Tweaked layout of staircase leading up to B site

-Blocked visibility from T spawn to B site catwalk
- 從T spawn到B站點走秀的可見性

-Added some props near staircase to minimize fall damage
- 在樓梯附近添加一些道具,以盡量減少墜落傷害

-Tweaked layout of bombsite B target
- 炸彈B目標的嚴重佈局

-Brightened ambient sunlight
- 強烈的周圍陽光

[ MISC ]
– Fixed game state integration truncating long workshop map names.
- 修正了遊戲狀態集成截斷長車間地圖名稱。

– Fixed localization strings in some languages displaying numbers with zeroes after decimal point.
- 修正了一些語言中的本地化字符串,顯示小數點後帶零的數字。
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