CSGO 2018/10/09 Update 經濟改動 部分武器數值/價錢調整 新地圖上線

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一般會員 (Lv.10)

– Adjusted the start-of-half economy with the goal of reducing the impact of a pistol round win on subsequent rounds.
- 調整了半開始經濟,目標是減少手槍回合對後續輪次的影響。

— In Competitive Matchmaking, both teams are now considered to start the half with a one-round ‘losing streak’ that is reset following a round win. Instead of $1400, the Round 1 loser receives $1900, then $2400 for a subsequent loss, etc.
- 在官方競爭的比賽中,兩支球隊現在都被認為是以一輪“連敗”開始的一半,並且在一輪勝利後重新開始。第一輪失敗者獲得1900美元,然後獲得2400美元的後續損失,而不是1400美元。

— The start-of-half losing streak can be adjusted via “mp_starting_losses”
- 可以通過“mp_starting_losses”調整半開局的連敗

– CZ75a: Adjusted the CZ75a to encourage semi-automatic fire at medium and long ranges.
- CZ75a:調整CZ75a以鼓勵中長距離的半自動射擊。

— increased recoil and fire inaccuracy
- 增加後座力和火力不准確性

— slightly improved accuracy recovery rate
- 略微提高準確率恢復率

– Tec9: Adjustments to make the weapon more forgiving at medium rates of fire.
- Tec9:調整使武器在中等火力下更加寬容。

— reduced fire inaccuracy
- 減少開火不准確
— slightly improved accuracy recovery rate
- 略微提高準確率恢復率

– SG553 price reduced to $2750
- SG553價格降至2750美元

– AUG price reduced to $3150
- AUG價格降至3150美元

– Austria is now available in Competitive Matchmaking.
- Austria現在可用於官方匹配。

– Austria has been moved into Group Delta in official Casual matchmaking.
- 奧地利已經在官方休閒對接中進入Group Delta地圖組。

– New Community maps Biome and Subzero are now available in Casual matchmaking as part of Group Sigma.
- 新社區地圖Biome和Subzero現在可作為Group Sigma的一部分在休閒配對中使用。

– Canals has been removed from Competitive Matchmaking.
- Canals已從官方匹配中刪除。
– Shipped and Insertion are no longer available in official matchmaking.
- 官方配對中不再提供發貨和插入。

in-game voice audio will be played from the position the player is standing at.
- 增加了“VOIP Positional”音頻設置。啟用此設置後,將從玩家所處的位置播放遊戲中的語音音頻。

– Enabled mouse bindings for voice chat to work in end of match scoreboard.
- 啟用鼠標綁定以使語音聊天在匹配記分板結束時起作用。

– Fixed backlog of async events in scoreboard causing performance problems during gameplay.
- 修復了記分板中積壓的異步事件,導致遊戲過程中出現性能問題。
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