CSGO 2018/08/15 Update更新事項 新武器MP5-SD 全景 匹配 網絡修正

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一般會員 (Lv.10)

– Added the all new MP5-SD, available for testing Offline and in Official Casual and Deathmatch servers. It can be equipped in your MP7 loadout slot.
- 添加全新的MP5-SD,可用於離線和官方休閒和死亡競賽服務器的測試。它可以配備在MP7裝載槽中。

– Lobbies advertised to nearby players and Steam Groups members will now expire after 5 minutes of the lobby leader’s inactivity.

– Added a way to start advertising single-user lobbies to nearby players and Steam Groups members from the permissions dialog.

– Fixed a bug causing some players, especially on DSL connections, to experience high packet loss due to packets being delivered out of order.
- 修正了一些錯誤導致某些玩家(特別是在DSL連接上)由於數據包無序傳輸而導致高丟包率的問題。

– Enabled Panorama UI on Windows XP and Windows Vista game clients.
- 在Windows XP和Windows Vista遊戲客戶端上啟用Panorama UI。

– Enabled lobby chat when accept match popup is active.
- 匹配確定按鈕彈出時啟用大廳聊天

– Fixed various multi-line messages clipping last line of text.
- 修復了剪切最後一行文本的各種多行消息。

– Fixed unresponsive keyboard after typing and pressing ‘send’ in the chat panel.
- 修改了在聊天面板中輸入並按發送後無響應的錯誤

– Allow sending a Steam message to recent teammates using new Steam chat.
- 允許使用新的Steam聊天向最近的隊友發送Steam消息。

– Spectator HUD elements now respect the cl_drawhud setting.
- 觀眾HUD元素現在配合cl_drawhud設置。

– Fixed reconnect button when it appears over lobby chat.
- 修正大廳聊天時出現的重新連接按鈕。

– Fixed MP7 walk up animation.

– Game state integration includes a field “round_totaldmg” to track total damage the player dealt.
- 遊戲數據整合包含round_totaldmg,用於追蹤玩家的所有傷害

– Various scoreboard bug fixes for different game modes.
- 針對不同遊戲模式的各種記分板錯誤修復。

– Various stability improvements and fixes.
- 各種穩定性改進和修復。

– Fixed mapoverview icon scaling
- 修正了mapoverview圖標縮放

– Added normal maps to Desert Eagle | Code Red and P90 | Traction
新增了Desert Eagle | Code Red and P90 | Traction 的一般示意圖

– Improved reliability of downloading Overwatch evidence in Perfect World CS:GO game client.
- 提高在完美世界 CS:GO下載Overwatch證據的可靠性。

– This update includes a change to “csgo.exe” which, while signed with Valve digital certificate, may still trigger warnings in certain anti-virus packages and require users to manually change their AV software settings to update correctly.
- 此更新包括對“csgo.exe”的更改,雖然使用Valve數字證書籤名,但仍可能在某些防病毒軟件包中觸發警告,並要求用戶手動更改其防毒軟體設置以正確更新
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