CSGO 2018/07/18 Update 更新事項 ( Panorama UI修復及正式啟用 )

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一般會員 (Lv.10)

– Further scoreboard readability improvements.
- 進一步提高記分牌可讀性。

– Added ability to connect to a different community server from pause menu while connected to a community server.
- 添加了在連接到社群服務器時從暫停菜單連接到其他社群服務器的功能。

– Fixed prime accounts notification to correctly show number of days before phone number can be used for activation.
- 修正了主要帳戶通知,以正確顯示電話號碼可用於激活之前的天數。

– Fixed Panorama UI to correctly show a notice that a new version of the client is available.
- 修復了Panorama UI,以正確顯示客戶端的新版本可用的通知。

– Fixed incorrect display of several values in the settings screens.
- 修正了設置屏幕中多個值的錯誤顯示。

– Improved handling of custom keybindings for the development console.
- 改進了對開發控制台的自定義鍵綁定的處理。

– In-game main menu music will now play correctly when an embedded stream is playing at minimum volume.
- 當嵌入的流以最小音量播放時,遊戲中的主菜單音樂現在可以正常播放。

– Added a way for Perfect World customers to acquire a Perfect World game license when launching the game in -panorama mode for the first time.
- 為Perfect World客戶首次在-panorama模式下啟動遊戲時添加完美世界遊戲許可證。
(註: Perfect World指完美世界,是中國CSGO的代理商,中國玩家稱之國服)

– Added a shortcut button to trade with a friend from the friend’s in-game profile card.
- 添加了一個快捷按鈕,可以與朋友在遊戲中的個人資料卡中交易。

– Removed some development message boxes.
- 刪除了一些開發消息框。

– Fixed startup crashes on Mac and Linux.
- 修復了Mac和Linux上的啟動崩潰問題。

– Numerous stability improvements.
- 眾多穩定性改進。

– Adjusted overhead arrows to pull the friend border away so it doesn’t influence the inner color as much.
- 調整頂部箭頭以拉開朋友邊界,因此它不會影響內部顏色。

– Fixed a javascript error in the loading screen.
- 修正了加載屏幕中的javascript錯誤。

– The loading screen secondary progress bar now displays better and no longer can show < 0 bytes downloaded. - cl_draw_only_deathnotices now properly hides the win panel, center print hints and defuse progress bar. - Fixed some alignments on the loading screen. - Fixed the overview map not showing up immediately on the loading screen when loading a map.
- 加載屏幕輔助進度條現在顯示得更好,不再顯示<0字節已下載。 - cl_draw_only_deathnotices現在可以正確隱藏win面板,中心打印提示和defuse進度條。 - 修正了加載屏幕上的一些對齊方式。 - 修復了加載地圖時未在加載屏幕上立即顯示的總覽圖。

PSA: The Panorama version of the game will be enabled for everybody before the end of the month. If you have feedback or want to report a bug in Panorama UI, email CSGOTeamFeedback [at] valvesoftware.com, and include #PanoramaUI in your subject line.
PSA:遊戲的Panorama版本將在月底之前為所有人啟用。如果您有反饋或想要在Panorama UI中報告錯誤,請發送電子郵件至CSGOTeamFeedback [at] valvesoftware.com,並在主題行中包含#PanoramaUI。

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