CSGO 2018/07/12 ~ 13 Update 更新事項 ( Panorama UI )

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一般會員 (Lv.10)

[ PANORAMA ][全景]
— Added a red glow behind the progress bar and health numbers when health is critical.
- 當HP至關重要時(low hp殘血狀態),在進度條後面添加紅色發光和健康數字。

— Fixed armor progress bar to no longer flash when you lose health.
- 修正護甲進度條,當你失去健康時不再閃光。

— Health over three digits will now scale down to fit appropriately and no longer clip.
- 超過三位數的HP現在將縮小以適當地適應並且不再剪輯。

— Sharpened the transition times in the weapon selection HUD to reduce delay in displaying player’s equipment.
- 加強武器選擇HUD中的過渡時間,以減少顯示玩家裝備的延遲。

— Fixed grenades not disappearing from weapon selection immediately after throwing them.
- 修正手榴彈投擲後不會立即從武器選擇中消失。

— Improved the dropped bomb and planted bomb rings on the radar.
- 改進了雷達上投下的炸彈和炸彈環。

— Fixed the kill panel string when a player is killed by fire.
- 修正了玩家被火殺死時的殺戮面板字符串。

— Fixed overhead money on players showing a comma.
- 修正了顯示逗號的玩家的管理費用。

– Matchmaking
- 配對
— Wingman can now be remembered as the last played game mode for the next time a user plays online.
- 現在可以記住Wingman作為用戶下次在線玩的最後一個遊戲模式。

— Fixed the accept match popup to not close if a player hits the escape key.
- 修正瞭如果玩家點擊轉義鍵,接受匹配彈出窗口不會關閉。

— Fixed auto team select for players that are not yet on a team.
- 修正了尚未加入團隊的玩家的自動團隊選擇。

— Fixed the beginning of match to correctly distinguish between “waiting for players” and “warmup” state in Wingman.
- 修正了比賽的開始,以正確區分Wingman中的“等待球員”和“熱身”狀態。

— Fixed rank and skill group data appearing on community servers.
- 修正社區服務器上出現的排名和技能組數據。

— End of match will now share mouse rather than capture all mouse input, which fixes mouse key bindings when match ends.
- 匹配結束現在將共享鼠標而不是捕獲所有鼠標輸入,這會在匹配結束時修復鼠標鍵綁定。

– Spectating
- 觀察
— Fixed not being able to toggle the spectator player panel’s visibility by pressing the key bound to “drop” (G by default).
- 修正了無法通過按下“下降”鍵(默認為G)來切換觀眾選手面板的可見性。

— Fixed a case where kills reported in the spectator panels could be wrong.
- 修正了觀眾面板中報告的殺人可能出錯的情況。

— Fixed alignment of player names containing Unicode characters in the spectator screen.
- 修正了在觀眾屏幕中包含Unicode字符的玩家名稱的對齊方式。

– Fixed text wrapping and some text getting truncated when running in Thai language.
- 修復了文本換行和一些在泰語中運行時被截斷的文本。

– Fixed an invisible inventory search box sometimes stealing input focus.
- 修正了一個隱形的庫存搜索框,有時會竊取輸入焦點。

– Fixed a frequent game crash in the buy menu.
- 修正了購買菜單中經常出現的遊戲崩潰問題。

– Various other stability fixes.
- 各種其他穩定性修復。

– Fixed spectator panels leaving incorrect margins when hud scale was lower than default.
- 固定觀眾面板,當hud scale低於默認值時,留下不正確的邊距。

– Adjusted readability of alive and dead player rows in the scoreboard.
- 調整記分板中活著和死亡的玩家行的可讀性

– Scoreboard now allows sorting players by ‘money’ column.
- 記分牌現在允許按“錢”列排序玩家。

– Fixed scoreboard mouse enable message not respecting cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding setting.
- 修正了記分板鼠標啟用消息不遵守cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding設置。

– Fixed the final kill of the match missing from the end of match scoreboard.
- 修正了比賽記分牌末尾丟失的比賽的最終殺戮。

– Fixed flags for nearby lobbies that were using incorrect file path.
- 修復了使用不正確文件路徑的附近大廳的標誌。
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