CSGO 2018/07/06 CS:GO Update 更新 Panorama UI 啟動選項

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[ PANORAMA ][ 全景]
Users can now opt in to the Panorama UI on Windows and cross-play with their friends by adding -panorama to the CS:GO launch options.
現在可以通過在CS:GO啟動選項中添加-panorama來選擇加入Windows上的Panorama UI並與他們的朋友交叉播放。

[ HUD ]
– HUD Money panel now has a background like the health and ammo and is also controllable with cl_hud_background_alpha.
- HUD Money面板現在有一個像健康和彈藥的背景,也可以用cl_hud_background_alpha控制

– Fixed the HUD chat lines not lining up with each other in certain resolutions/scales.
- 修正了HUD聊天線在某些分辨率/比例下沒有相互排列的問題。

– Updated the look of crosshair style 0 and 1 to more closely match the scaleform version.
- 更新了十字準線樣式0和1的外觀,以更接近地匹配縮放形式版本。

– Panorama crosshair style 0 and 1 now no longer scale when changing resolution.
- 更改分辨率時,全景十字準線樣式0和1現在不再縮放。

– Added buttons to the scoreboard to allow users to toggle caster features.
- 在記分板上添加了按鈕,允許用戶切換腳輪功能。

– Custom team logos now work again using png extension and can be placed in the new team image location or the old (flash) location.
- 自定義團隊徽標現在可以使用png擴展名再次使用,並且可以放置在新的團隊圖像位置或舊(閃存)位置。

– Fixed ADR not filtering out team damage.
- 修正了ADR沒有過濾團隊傷害的問題。

– Fixed Overwatch suspect not being highlighted in scoreboard.
- 修正了守望者未在記分牌中突出顯示的問題。

[ WATCH MENU ][手錶菜單]
-Added download state indicators to match lister tiles
- 增加下載狀態指示器以匹配列表片

-Enabled watching a demo from a specific round

[ MAPS ]

-Adjusted player collision on bench wall at bombsite B.
- 在炸彈場B的長凳牆上調整了球員碰撞

-Fixed several bomb-stuck spots.
- 修復了幾個炸彈卡住的斑點。

– Updated the BSP embedded radar map image to the new version.
- 將BSP嵌入式雷達地圖圖像更新為新版本。

[ MISC ]
– Increased brightness and adjusted the vignetting on the map loading screen image.
- 增加亮度並調整地圖加載屏幕圖像上的漸暈。
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